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作者:pp 时间:2006-11-24 15:18:48 收藏 编辑

据 Arab News报道,喀拉拉一名学生声称发明了一种绿色、基于纸张的存储系统,可以将90到450GB的信息压缩到一张盘上。

Sainul Abideen, 24, the Muslim Educational Society Engineering College的学生,说彩虹通用盘( "Rainbow Versatile Disc")秘密就是他用圆、矩形和三角等几何形状代替0和1进行计算,同时结合多种颜色,并且将数据保存成图形。

This "Rainbow Format" data is then read by a scanner. In a demo at his college lab, Abideen demonstrated 432 pages of foolscap content compacted onto a four-inch-square piece of paper. The Arab News correspondent said he also saw a 45-second video clip read from ordinary paper.

The advantages of the RVD are evident, Abideen says. It's cheap (one tenth of the cost of a CD, he claims, while offering 131 times the storage capacity) and planet-friendly (no nasty polycarbonates here). For example, magazines might dispense with the free CD and offer a Rainbow Data tearsheet instead.

Abideen is currently working on a RVD scanner compact enough to fit in laptops. He's also developing a SIM-card-sized Rainbow Data card for mobile phones capable of carrying 5GB. Thinking bigger, he moots the idea of a "databank with almost 123.60 Petabyte capacity". ?

恩, 我们也表示怀疑: "432 大页的纸张内容被压缩到一张长宽4英寸的纸片上?You do the maths, but we reckon that's way short of a 90-450GB disk. Oh yes, and spare us the "I think you'll find there's already a prefectly good paper-based storage system: it's called a book" quips.


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